wie bereits bekannt, wird die pierer industries ag die produktion von husqvarna aus italien abziehen und nach mattighofen, österreich, verlagern. dabei werden die marken husaberg und husqvarna in einer neuen gesellschaft, der "husqvarna sportmotorcycle gmbh" vereint.
mit dem abzug von husqvarna aus italien nach österreich, verlieren in italien 240 mitarbeiter ihren arbeitsplatz. aber auch weitere unternehmen werden den abzug in italien zu spüren bekommen, wenn am 1. august das werk in biandronno geschlossen wird.
die 240 mitarbeiter von husqvarna warten unterdessen gespannt auf das treffen mit dem ministerium für wirtschaftliche angelegenheiten in italien mit dem neuen besitzer von husqvarna.
dass die arbeiter mit ihrem latein am ende sind, ist verständlich. aus dieser ausweglosen situation heraus, schrieben sie auch einen offenen brief an den ktm fahrer und sechsmaligen mx-weltmeister (dreimal mit ktm) tony cairoli:
We are the 240 workers of Husqvarna Motorcycles, that same company that with extreme violence has taken our dignity away from us. We know that you know our brand; we share the same Italian pride and passion that for years was the driving effort behind our engines, and we want to make you part of our history.
In May, at the beginning of the production season ANY NORMAL COMPANY THAT INVESTS AND BELIEVES IN THE FUTURE should have have had all their resources and departments actively working, instead we 240 workers of this company that for years was the beating heart of Italian production that sold motorcycles all over the world, unfortunately found itself in the hands of the KTM Group and WAITING TO BE PUT ON EXTRAORDINARY REDUNDACY FUNDING BECAUSE THE COMPANY IS CLOSING DOWN, AND THIS WILL BE PAID FOR BY THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT.
Many of us are root for you: BECAUSE A HEART AND TRUE ONE, IS ITALIAN! We think of you as one of us, in addition to respecting you as a person and as CHAMPION, YOUR TALENT has brought success to KTM!
We would like to know with which criteria that such things can happen. We can only helplessly observe the construction of this empire managed exclusively by KTM, which has no respect for anything or anyone, moves and uses people like chess pieces to whatever their liking. When this deplorable behaviour will reach the motocross tracks, what kind of consideration will they have for true talent like yours?!
After investing for years in this company, giving our hearts and souls, we don’t deserve this type of treatment without having any possibility. We were kept in the dark and were only told when the decisions had already been made.
We 240 PEOPLE will be left without a job by the KTM Group that is cannabalizing and looting the brand taking the production to Austria or who knows where, leaving people facing daily problems
and expenses and won’t even have €5 to give to their sons to get gas for that same motorcycle that was behind your success … but first off your dreams.
Wishing you every success and our respect.
die reaktion von tony cairoli:
Hello guys,
I just heard on Piazza Pulita on LA7, your “open letter” addressed to me and I am honored that you sent this appeal to me. I come from a land where work has always been scarce and therefore I understand your thoughts and your state of mind, which is that of many of my fellow countrymen and many of our countrymen throughout Italy.
That said, I’m an athlete by profession, I’m a rider and I find it really difficult to comment on the dynamics of Pierer Industries and Husqvarna, I don’t know the details. I hope that this situation will have a positive outcome and I’d like to thank you for your appreciation.
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